How about a post just for fun? I’ve had an online journal (now known as blogging) since I was tween. It’s my way of connecting with others. It begin as a way to share my life, the ins and outs of everyday, with other kids my age. Then, it turned into a place where I would pour my heart while battling depression. After having my first child, it became my way of connecting with other moms. Now, it’s a little bit of all of that- daily life, struggles, motherhood- all rolled into this one place. My place.
So today, I’m taking part in a fun blog hop hosted by Trisha at MomDot and I’m interviewing myself.
What advice would you give your 16 year old self?

He’s a keeper, so stick it out. You are already over a year into your relationship and it’s only going to get better. Marry him and have beautiful babies. (I did.)
Be a quitter. Do it now and save your sanity. No one will agree with your decision, but do it anyways. Only YOU know you and contrary to popular belief, even at 16, you know what is best for you. (No one agreed with the decision over a year later either, but it was the right one.)
Quit smoking too, while you’re at it.
Oh, and by the way, at your 5 year class reunion, do not go down the slide. Just don’t do it.
If you had a plane ticket in your hand right now to go anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Hard one! I would love to see New York City, but not as a family trip. For the family, anywhere with beautiful weather, nice beaches, luxurious resorts, delicious food, and great massages would work for me. (As long as I don’t have to pay. LOL)
What did you want to be when you grew up and did you follow your dreams?
What didn’t I want to be is probably the better question. In the younger years, a veterinarian and a lawyer were always on my list. After battling depression and attempting suicide, I decided on psychology. My calling is definitely to help people, no doubt about that. My senior year of high school, I realized what I wanted more than anything else- to be a mother.
Yes, I did follow my dreams. I married the love of my life. My life is devoted to our kids and I am able to help people through my blog and social networks. I have the opportunity to share my struggles and encourage others to work through the obstacles in their lives.
When the kids are older, I would like to become a certified car seat safety technician and continue offering breastfeeding advice and advocacy.
How many pets do you own?
None, currently. Since Tucker died, we don’t have the heart to allow another dog in our lives yet. We are still taking care of the 5 kittens, but they come and go. I hope they come back to stay and if so, we plan to keep at least 2 of them.
What was your first car?
My first car is the same car I’m still driving. It’s a 1999 Toyota Camry that my parents bought new. When I turned 15, it became mine and still is. Everyone in my family has had at least one fender-bender in it and it’s seen better days. It’s been beaten by hail, trash cans have jumped out in front of it, and I ran all over a mailbox with it one morning when I was upset about going to school. LOL My mother, husband, and father-in-law have all backed over it at one point or another. Even so, it’s reliable and still one of the smoothest riding cars I’ve sat in. We have almost outgrown it, but it will do until we are able to buy a larger vehicle.
So there’s that! If you have an interview with yourself (it’s fun!) let me know so I can stop by and check it out!
Sounds like your life turned out just like you wanted it too! I feel so old after reading your post, you must be super young to have gotten a 1999 car when you were 15. In 1999 I was already a mother to one! 🙂
You are right- no complaints with the way life is going. We have been blessed. And, I’m 23 by the way. 🙂
I thought I could never love a car like my Honda until I got my Toyota. I will probably drive it till the wheels fall off LOL And Brandy, dont feel bad – my oldest was born in 99 lol
I think you are too adorable and like Brandy, you make me feel super old!
First of all, there is nothing wrong with being old, LOL. I won’t tell how old my kids were in 99. Loved the interview! and i like that u would tell 16 yr old self not to slide down the slide at your reunion 🙂
I totally feel old reading this too! I love that you and hubby have been together for so long, that is so special.
Whitney I would just like to say that I love you, I loved you when you was that 15 year old girl and Justin came into your life. You have been through a lot in your 23 years but it has made you into the great person you are today. I also agree a 16 year old can know the person you are with is the right person for you….26 years with Kevin and counting. Keep being the great person you are and helping people with the words you share 🙂
I had to laugh at the ‘don’t go down the slide remark’. So glad you can laugh at it a little bit now.
Oh and you are a young one. 1999, my 5 year reunion had already come and gone.
This post had me smiling the entire time. 😀
I’d love to tour New York and other east coast states – the historical side of them!
Love the interview and always enjoy reading your blog. My hubby and I have been together since high school, too, married for 21 years now (boy do I feel old saying that!)…best thing I ever did, other than have his babies. Curious to know what told your 16 year old self to quit ; )
Please know that I so enjoy reading how much you love your life, that is so rare these days, and such an inspiration. I am blessed to be able to be home with and homeschool our kids, and though some days are tough, it is such a joy to be able to be with them…you remind me of that often. Thanks for that!
I just wanted to thank you for your comment. It seriously made my night and gave me smile! The quitting part was actually about high school, but it’s very hard to explain. I’ve always been an old lady in a young body and I matured so quickly, then when my depression kicked in at a young age (12), I could no longer handle school. I made good grades, was active in sports, etc. but anyways, it came down to disappointing everyone by finally quitting or going insane, literally. I quit a few months before graduation and got my GED immediately. Everyone was understandable very disappointed in me, but I know it was the right thing. If I had it to do over, I would have quit as soon as I legally could have to take care of myself. (I know this probably doesn’t make sense to you, sorry.)
I plan to homeschool our children too, by the way. Thanks again for your comment!
Tucker was soooo cute! It’s so sweet that you and your husband have been together since you were 15!
As I was scrolling through this post with my little girl sitting next to me, she saw the picture of your littles in the fountain. She looked up, pointed at Bella and said “That girl is pretty.”
I love the pic of you and your husband at 15 and 16. That’s so sweet that you two ended up married with kids.
LMAO about the slide !!!!!!!!!!
Great interview! I clicked over to the hosting blog(?), I see there are a few other ones there. Do you plan to participate in those to? I really like the 5 things I can’t live without daily. I think I might do that next week on my blog!
I , too, had to laugh at the slide! 😉
Great interview. love it.
I want to know what you should have quit!
great article. I enjoyed it!
I battled depression for a long 18 months, something I never want to see anyone go through. I lost a lot when I was battling and have told my husband I would love to speak about it, even open a new blog speaking to other out there as a support. My hubby and I have been together since I was 17 until the depression when I pushed my entire loved ones and family away. We got back together right after I was better although he stood by my side hoping I’d get better. I graduated in 1999:)
[…] birthday and witnessed an amazing sight. It was exactly what I needed- what we all needed. I interviewed myself in a post and shared some faces of Bella. The second blood drive in memory of Kolby was held and […]