I’m going to pick up where I left off last week. If you need to get up to speed, check out A Look Back at 2012 – Part 1.

July was a hellish month, no doubt. It started out alright. We celebrated Independence Day at the river and watched the fireworks over the water. On July 14th, we went to my five year class reunion where I made that not-so-fun trip down the slide with Bella that resulted in several breaks including a broken leg and ankle. After a week and half of tears, vomiting, pity, and pain pills, I finally had surgery to repair my broken leg and ankle. I woke up in the worst pain of my life, but was glad to be on the road to recovery. Justin and Gangan took the kids to see Super Why Live! and I was so sad that I couldn’t go. I continued to share my grief journey as the three month mark of Kolby’s death passed. Two weeks after I broke my leg & ankle, my dad’s best friend and a man that was always a part of my life had a heart attack and drowned. My heart hurt for the loss of Doug and it shattered knowing that my parents, my aunt & uncle, and Doug’s wife all witnessed his death and were helpless. My first trip out of the house after surgery was to attend his viewing. July was a terrible month.
By August, I was hanging by a thread. We celebrated Kolby’s 17th birthday and witnessed an amazing sight. It was exactly what I needed- what we all needed. I interviewed myself in a post and shared some faces of Bella. The second blood drive in memory of Kolby was held and I had a come-apart when they wouldn’t allow me to give. After I finally calmed down, we enjoyed the festivities at Fyffe UFO Days. Justin took the kids around while I rode on the golf-cart with Brandi since I couldn’t walk. Bryson won a gold fish that lived about 48 hours.
In September, I once again shared my struggles as I tried to process all that had happened in 2012. I was still unable to walk, but was finally comfortable with my crutches and able to get out & do more. I planned our preschool at home for the 2012-2013 year and shared a new preschool craft idea- Apple Pie Scented Play Dough. Bryson decided he was a cowboy in a gun fight and I snapped some of the cutest photos. We welcomed Fall by painting pumpkins, the guys went dove hunting, we attended a homecoming parade, and got a new dog- Rosie.
October was a fun month. I hopped along on my crutches and braved the DeKalb County Fair with my family. I even managed to carry my camera and get some of my favorite shots from the year. The kids & I played outside often. I was down to only using one crutch when we went on the Eerie Express Train ride at the Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum. By October’s end, I was completely off the crutches and using a walking boot. Justin carved pumpkins for the kids and we took our little owl and Woody trick-or-treating.
During November, I focused on giving thanks as a way to refocus on the good and try to get my head on straight. My orthopedist gave me the okay to lose the boot and put me in an air cast, which is what I’m still wearing today. I was thrilled to put a shoe on for the first time in month, but it took a lot of trust in my ankle that I certainly didn’t have. Bryson came down with a sickness. Thankfully, he was well when we left to spend Thanksgiving with my in-laws. My mother-in-law treated me to my first ever pedicure. Bryson and Justin came down sick the morning we left to come back home.
December was spent trying to get in the holiday spirit. It never happened. I tried really hard for Bryson and Bella and I think I did a good job for them, but it just wasn’t there. We went to see Christmas lights with friends. Bryson turned four with a Thomas themed birthday party. He’s one blessed little boy and so many people love him! I shared our Christmas & snow play dough box. Our family experienced another devastating loss. Baby Luke was only four days old when he was called to his Heavenly home. I still don’t have the words, but it made am already hard month almost unbearable. We had Christmas celebrations with family, played Dirty Santa with friends, and enjoyed the season, but more than anything, my heart just ached and ached.
Here is to a much better 2013. 2012 was full of heart ache, pain, and sorrow, but there were good times too. Our family is closer than ever. My marriage is better than ever. Justin and I made some wonderful friends with kids the same ages as Bryson and Bella. It wasn’t all bad and I have some wonderful memories, but I pray that God blankets our family in protection during 2013.
My wish for you is an uneventful year in 2013. Just a normal run of the mill year. 2011 was a rough year for me and I can tell you that just having a run of the mill year is healing. Nothing will take the pain away, but thank you for sharing your story so that others can know they’re not alone…and neither are you.
Thank you so much, Sarah. I appreciate your comment and that you took the time to encourage me this morning. It means a lot. 🙂
I hope 2013 is a wonderful year full of celebration and memories that bring your family closer together!
Thanks, Beth. That is my hope too!
You definitely did not have a great year last year….I hope 2013 is awesome and totally uneventful for your family!
Wishing you a blessed and happy 2013. I hope it is filled with happy events and joyful memories throughout the year.