I firmly believe that reading to my children is one of the best things I can do for them. We read during the day regularly and reading is a part of our nightly routine. After the kids are bathed and in their PJs, they climb up in Bryson’s bed and we dive into a book or two. Back in January, I shared our 5 favorite bedtime books– we still read those in addition to our newest find- the Jesus Storybook Bible.
The Jesus Storybook Bible had been on my Amazon.com wishlist for a while. I finally ordered it after seeing it on Crystal’s (a.k.a. MoneySavingMom) Fifteen Favorite Children’s Read Alouds. I’m not sure if I’ve ever been more thrilled with a a purchase.
The Jesus Storybook Bible
We aren’t regular church-goers, but we are a Christian family and I want my children to know all about God. Losing my cousin Kolby at such a young age gave me a push to find the right way to talk to our kids about Jesus. At 3, I don’t expect Bryson to comprehend everything I teach him but I want to start sooner rather than later.
Come to find out, he understands much more than I ever imagined.
One of the first stories in the Jesus Storybook Bible is that of Noah’s Ark. We read it one night and Bryson was very interested in it, mostly because of the boat, I think. At this time, I wasn’t sure how much he was taking in, but the next morning, he surprised me. I sat down on the couch beside him to nurse Bella and he asked “Mom, do you want to read the Jesus book?” He picked it up, flipped to the story of Noah’s Ark, and proceeded to tell me all about it.
Stunned. Proud.
He had listened and he had understood. He explained to me than an ark was a big boat, that all of the animals were on it, that it rained, etc. He knew the story and he now thinks that Noah’s Ark was purple, because it is in the illustrations in the book. (haha)
We are now well over 100 pages into the book and I look forward to reading it each and every night. This will definitely be a book we’ll read over and over.
I’ve read tons of other reviews and there are definitely some inaccuracies in some of the stories. For me, it isn’t a deal breaker as I plan to expand and supplement with other books (and the Bible, of course) as the children grow older. I love the illustrations, how The Jesus Storybook Bible is written in a way that can hold even Bryson’s attention, and how each story if the perfect length for a bedtime read.
Above all of that, I love the way the author (Sally Lloyd-Jones) finds a way to tie each story back to Jesus- the Rescuer. Every single story ends with a reminder of God’s Promise and I absolutely love that.
I highly recommend The Jesus Storybook Bible for little ones and honestly, I’m finding myself learning right alongside my children.
*post contains affiliate links – not a sponsored post, just a book we love & wanted to share
They are super smart and are just like little sponges. We have a book that is similar and my three children love it.
Kids pick up on so much more than we give them credit for. They are smart little buggers! Each time the girls and I talk about their Sunday school lesson, they just amaze me with what they learn.
We completely LOVE this Bible too! We love that the pics people of all colors, shapes, and sizes, and that the wording is great from older toddlers on up! We would absolutely love to invite you to join us at Saturday Show & Tell on Cheerios and Lattes. We know our readers will love your ideas and your blog! Have a great weekend!