Family Happenings Learn + Play

Family Fall Bucket List | free printable

While it’s technically still summer, the back-to-school season signals that fall is indeed right around the corner.  The weather in north Alabama is still hot and we’ll be in shorts for at least another month but I couldn’t resist creating our family fall bucket list.  Seasonal bucket lists aren’t new.  I created our first when Bryson was just a toddler but life has been so chaotic that it’s been several years since I wrote one for our family.

If you are searching for an over-the-top list with 100 fall activities to do with your kids- this is not the list for you.  I’m running for world’s okayest mom this year and keeping our family fall bucket list super simple with only 10 things.

Family Fall Bucket List Free Printable


Family Fall Bucket List

You can click on the image above to download our Fall Bucket List free printable.

I hope to bake some pumpkin chocolate chip muffins.  This recipe became a favorite many years ago.  It’s been far too long since I’ve made a batch!  The kids are begging to help make some apple pie scented play dough so we will incorporate that into a school lesson soon.  We’ll continue our tradition of pumpkin carving and painting.  We haven’t attended a homecoming parade since my parents and I took the kids in 2012.  It will be bittersweet as the last homecoming parade we attended was my dad’s idea.

Bryson is playing peewee football this year.  He practices 3 times weekly and plays on Saturdays.  We’ll carve out time to visit our favorite local pumpkin patch, Down on the Farm one day after his game.  It didn’t make my list but we will of course attend our local fall fair.  The kids are already asking about it and gearing up for it!    I am in a much better place than I have been the previous two fall seasons.  I’m excited about attending local events, enjoying the weather, and having fun with our kids.


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