It’s been too long since I’ve shared a pregnancy update. The absolute truth is that this pregnancy has been so very hard on my body- a huge difference from the first two. I expected that to a point since I spent several months unable to walk due to my ankle and leg breaks. It was something Justin and I talked about before deciding to have #3- the trauma that my body had gone through only a few months before, but I didn’t want to wait. I do not regret our decision, but I have to admit that this pregnancy has not been nearly as enjoyable as the other two. Because of that, I think I’m more ready to meet her and hold her than I ever was with Bryson and Bella. I’m totally ready to welcome her into the world though I want her to stay put until she is ready.
Baby Bynlee is the size of a winter melon!
How far along: 37 weeks
Due Date: December 5, 2013
Maternity clothes: Absolutely
Sleep: Between the frequent trips to the bathroom, pressure & pain, and horrible indigestion- I feel like I’m definitely prepared for the sleepless night with a newborn.

Best moment of this week: Meeting another OB in the practice I’m using now. She was amazing and kind. Also, finding out that I’m progressing!
Miss anything: Sleep, although I know that won’t change when she gets here either, but maybe the sleep I do get will at least be comfortable.
Movement: I would think she would begin to run out of room in there, but if that’s the case, I can’t tell it. She is definitely the most active out of our 3 so far. She moves all throughout the day and night. I’m not sure when or if she sleeps.
Food cravings: Nada. No matter what I eat, indigestion sets in after about 4 bites and I’m finished. Eating is not enjoyable right now.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No.
Have you started to show yet: I’m at the point where when I go out in public, people stop and stare like they’ve never saw a pregnant woman before.
Symptoms: Frequent urination, indigestion, middle of the night insomnia, aches, pains. The list goes on and on. She’s worth it.
Health/ Appointments: At my appointment on Monday, I was dilated to 1.5 and my cervix was 50% effaced. Brynlee is head down and in position. I’ll be going to weekly checks now and will be 39 weeks on Thanksgiving day. A turkey baby would be awesome!
Gender: Female
Names: Brynlee Elizabeth Paula
Belly button in or out: It’s flat at this point.
Wedding rings on or off: Off
Happy or moody most of the time: Moody, which is a bummer. I’m happy, totally and completely thrilled, but my body is just so tired and achey that it’s hard to enjoy these last few weeks. I’m still trying though!
Shopping for Baby B: We are ready for Brynlee. Nothing left to buy!

Reactions from Bryson: Bryson thinks that Brynlee is going to cry all the time. I have no idea where get picked up that idea? I don’t think he realizes how close we are to finally meeting her. 9 months seems like forever to a 4 year old, so he probably thinks she’s just going to be in my belly forever.
Reactions from Bella: Bella is still very excited. She talks to Brynlee and gives her kisses. She’ll pick up an outfit and hold it up to my belly saying “Look Brynlee, it’s so cute!” I can’t wait to see them together for the first time.
Looking forward to: Meeting Brynlee. Taking in her scent and nourishing her. Holding her close. Finally knowing if she has a head full of hair like her sister or next to none like her brother. Being able to bend over and eat. I have a lot to look forward to!
Won’t be long now! You look stunning. I looked like I got ran over by a truck when I was pregnant. I wish you and the baby all the best.
You are looking great and almost to the magical day where you get to hold your baby close!
You look fantastic! I hit 35 weeks today, so I empathize with some of those symptoms! Looking forward to seeing a picture of her.
Oh my, it sure sounds like you are ready. So close…. no wonder you are ready to meet your little baby girl.
Your poor feet. I was in the hospital at 36 weeks with Gavyn as I got severely dehydrated. My feet were huge. I’m so excited for all of you to meet your baby girl, and I can’t wait too!!!
Awww- you look great! My feet looked like that with my second. 🙁 ouch!
SO close! My feet puffed a slightly on our drive from Florida to North Carolina for our move at 37 weeks but not really until AFTER labor. Not comfortable at all let alone preggers, so I hope it gets better ASAP. Take care and congratulations 🙂
argghh you make me miss being pregnant so much
You look amazing! So happy for you, won’t be long now!! 🙂
You look fabulous!! and it does look like she is running out of room. Excited for Bella to meet her and hoping that Bryson does well too. Wishing you and Justin all the best for Brynlee’s birthday!