
Hello, Baby B!: Pregnancy {Week 16}

Oh hey y’all, it’s only been six weeks since my last pregnancy update!  I promise that Baby B3 isn’t a neglected as he/she seems to be on my blog.  😉  This pregnancy seems to be flying by (and I’ll probably say that in every post).  We are in the second trimester and only a couple weeks away from finding out if we’ll have a little brother or sister joining our family.  I’m feeling fantastic other than being tired and craving sleep more than food.  That’s a combination of pregnancy and Justin working a lot lately, but I’m feeling better and better.  I’m one of those women who loves being pregnant from beginning to end.  The only thing I have going against me right now is some ankle pain from my breaks last year.  I knew going into this pregnancy that was a possibility so it’s not surprising, but definitely a little frightening because it could get much worse as I put on baby weight.  I’m trying to balance keeping that ankle moving and giving it time to rest so I don’t overdo it.  This week has been tough- Bryson had a virus and I had some unexpected pain that made walking difficult.  Thankfully, Bryson is getting better and my ankle is doing better today too, so hopefully we are on the mend.

13 weeks
13 weeks

Baby B is the size of an avocado!

How far along:   16 weeks

Due Date:  December 5, 2013

Total weight gain:   No idea, I’m guessing around 5 lbs.

Maternity clothes:  This would be a yes if I could find them. So for now, I’m making do with stretchy shorts, t shirts, and dresses.

Sleep:  I’m fairly certain my kids are trying to prepare me for a newborn 5 months too early.  Bella started waking up about 3 nights a week and Bryson is sick this week so he’s been waking up twice each night.  Even so, I wake up at least once a night to pee.

Best moment of this week:  I felt Baby B3 move for the first time Tuesday (6/18) night.  I stayed up to finish some work and went to bed around 11PM.  After praying, I felt Baby B3 go crazy and was overcome with joy and happy tears.  The third time around is just as special as the first!

Miss anything:  Sleeping through the night.

Movement:  Once Tuesday night and once Wednesday night.  I’m not sure if we have another little night owl or if that’s just the only time I’m still enough to feel the movement.

Food cravings:  Pizza, pizza, pizza.

Anything making you queasy or sick:  No, Praise God!  I think I have passed that stage.

Father's Day with my daddy //  15 Weeks
Father’s Day with my daddy // 15 Weeks

Have you started to show yet:  Yes, yes, yes.

Symptoms:  Just being overly tired at the end of the day and wanting to sleep all day.

Health/ Appointments:  At my 13 week appointment, Baby B’s heartbeat was steady at 160.  I go back tomorrow for another check up and some blood work.

Gender:  We find out in two weeks!

Names:  It’s so much harder this time around.  Bella’s name had been picked out since I was 15 or 16.  Justin named Bryson easily, but this time is different.  Some names that we are discussing include Brantley, Brynli (Brynlee, Brynlie?), Branson, Breanna, Beatrice (calling her Bea) but we are no where near choosing “the one.”

Belly button in or out:  In.

Wedding rings on or off:  On.

Happy or moody most of the time:  Happy, but I can’t deny some mood swings.  (Ask my husband.)

Shopping for Baby B:  I have around $200 in gift cards for different stores, but I’m saving those until we find out the gender.  I’m also holding off on buying more cloth diapers until we know Baby B’s sex.

Reactions from Bryson:  Bryson is beginning to come around to the idea of a baby sister, thankfully.  Last week, he finally gave in and said he wouldn’t mind a sister.  (Talk about relief on my part!)  He’s still very excited, talks about sharing his room and his toys, etc.  When I told him I felt the baby move, his face lit up and he can’t wait to feel the baby too.  He is still adamant about wanting a brother.

Reactions from Bella:  Bella is my little sweetheart, our little mama.  She says we have two babies now- one in my belly then she raises up her shirt to show me one in her belly.  She crawls into bed with me every morning, raises my shirt, and begin talking to the baby.  She is very into the pregnancy experience and it’s just so sweet!

Looking forward to:  Finding out if we are having a little brother or a little sister then having a gigantic yard sale to get rid of the other gender things.  We are going to clear out clothing, gear, and toys.  Whatever doesn’t sell will be consigned and the rest donated.  As sad as I am about this being our last baby (unless God sees otherwise), I am ready to purge!  I’m also looking forward to using those gift cards I mentioned to buy a few outfits for Baby B3.

I’ll definitely have another pregnancy update within the next few weeks when I share our gender news!


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