Health, Bath, & Beauty Reviews

Listerine 21 Day Challenge Wrap Up

Our Listerine 21 Day Challenge has come to an end.  By the end, it didn’t seem like a challenge at all.  Using Listerine is a habit now!

The biggest part of challenge for me was remembering to use Listerine and making time to floss.  Once I started flossing each night, I was totally grossed out at the particles left behind by brushing alone.  I found a routine that works for me- I brush, floss, then use Listerine mouthwash.  At first, the Cool Mint LISTERINE® ULTRACLEAN® burned badly, but I’ve noticed that I have gotten use to it over the last 21 days.  The Fresh Citrus LISTERINE® ULTRACLEAN® doesn’t burn near as badly. The orange flavor of the Fresh Citrus is great, but I think my mouth feels fresher Cool Mint.  I love how clean my mouth feels after using any of LISTERINE® ULTRACLEAN® products.  One major improvement I saw during the challenge was the bleeding from my gums has decreased greatly.  Some nights, my gums do not bleed at all.

Listerine 21 Day Challenge

Our kids are also really learning how to participate in their teeth brushing routines too!  We aren’t struggling to keep their mouths open and they are so excited when it’s time to brush teeth.  We decided to let them try the Listerine Anti-cavity Rinse and they totally surprised us.  They both liked the flavors (Bubble Blast & Fab Bubblegum) and caught right onto the whole “swishing” thing.  They never even tried to swallow the rinse which is awesome.  Bryson thinks it’s so cool to check out his rinse after he spits it out.  He likes to point on the “germs” (food particles that brushing missed- gross!) that were in his mouth. LOL

We will continue using Listerine products.  I love the fresh feeling after using Listerine Ultraclean and how long that feeling lasts.  We now know that brushing alone just isn’t enough and this challenge provided all the proof I need of that.   It’s not too late to join the challenge on the Listerine Facebook page.

Do you use Listerine products?  Which flavor is your favorite?

I received products from Johnson & Johnson Healthcare Products Division of McNEIL-PPC, Inc. and The Motherhood as part of my participation in the LISTERINE® 21 Day Challenge. All thoughts and opinions expressed in this post are my own.


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