Personal Thoughts

Day Seven – Giving Thanks in November

I am so completely thankful for our health insurance and modern medicine.  I’m headed back to the orthopedic surgeon today for another post-up check-up.  At my first appointment in July, I hobbled through those doors on crutches with a broken leg and two breaks in my ankle.  By the end of July, I had a plate and screws in my body and was beginning my recovery.  At my last appointment, I was on crutches.  At this appointment, I am walking!

I’m still in the boot and I have quite a bit of swelling, but I know that  it is just part of the process.  I also know that I may still experience swelling a year from now, so I am just thankful to be walking.

Broken Fibula ankle

From that to this:

Both feet planted firmly on the ground.

This post is part of a challenge I’ve set for myself- to blog every. single. day. during the month of November, sharing something or someone that I am thankful for each day. Feel free to join along and/or share what you are thankful for in the comments.

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