Accessories & Apparel Kids Products Reviews

Dinosaur Train Halloween – #Giveaway

Dinosaur Train is one of the first shows Bryson ever asked to watch and he still enjoys it.  We have several Dinosaur Train books featuring Tiny, Shiny, Buddy and the clan.  Now he has a Dinosaur Train Tiny costume too.  Bryson loves to dress up and regularly asks to wear costumes, so we keep them around even when it’s not Halloween.  He wants the Dinosaur Train Buddy costume now too!

Dinosaur Train Tiny costume

The Tiny costume is very nice and much better quality that I expected.  It comes in four pieces- two shoe covers, the costume body, and the head.  All are easy to put on, the body is similar to a sleeper. The head piece is a bit on the heavy side and flops around, so Bryson will leave it off sometimes and play without it. It’s made of fleece so  it’s sure to keep little ones warm in cooler weather.

Dinosaur Train Tiny Costume

We received the Dinosaur Train Tiny costume is a size 3-4.  As you can see, it’s a bit small on Bryson.  He currently wears a 4T so if you aren’t sure which size to order, I would suggest going with the larger one.  Bryson doesn’t mind the small fit and thinks its comfortable.  Comfortable enough that he’ll sit around in for hours.  😉  You can pick the Dinosaur Train Tiny costume up for around $25 which I think is a great deal!

Dinosaur Train Costume

We also own and love the Dinosaur Train: The Spooky Scavenger Hunt book.  I like to keep our seasonal books separate, so Bryson was excited when I brought this one back out for Halloween.  It’s cute book that your kids will enjoy and even if it’s called The Spooky Scavenger hunt, they’ll laugh instead of being scared. The Spooky Scavenger Hunt is available for only $3.99 and it’s great book to bring out each Halloween.

You can find Dinosaur Train games, activities, and printables on the PBS Dinosaur Train website.

Dinosaur Train Giveaway

One winner will receive the Dinosaur Train: The Spooky Scavenger Hunt book.  This is a Rafflecopter giveaway. If you are reading this via e-mail or feed, please click over to the post to enter and allow sufficient time for the form to load. Thank you!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

We received a costume and book for our review.  All opinions remain my own, as always.


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