Mama is a little late with this post, but I’m sure you can imagine why. I anticipate a long, emotional post next month, so I’ll keep this one short and to the point.
During your eleventh month,
you teethed with nothing to show for it. Still only four shiners, but a couple more about to break through.
you started walking. Bye- bye to that baby girl with dirty knees. You walked at the exact time that your brother did- the week before you hit eleven months.
you were sick for the first time. You fought a 103 fever for days, were lethargic, and super fussy. Not fun, my dear.
you wear mostly 12 – 18 month clothing and a size 3 diaper.
you wave and say “hey dere.” You also say mama.. mamamamamamama.
you’ve reminded me just how much an eleven month old can get into. Picking up the living room is pointless with you around, child.
you like to get in the kitchen cabinets and pull everything out.
if someone forgets and leaves the bathroom door open, you can usually be found in the trash, with one hand in the toilet, and the contents of the cabinet tossed in the floor.
you knocked your noggin more than once. At one point, I think you had three different bruises on your forehead.
you are a mama’s girl through and through. As much as I love it, sometimes it absolutely drives me crazy too. I try (and usually fail) to not get frustrated when you won’t let me put you down or when you won’t go to anyone else. I know I’ll miss it soon enough.
you still don’t sleep well. I’m up 3 or 4 times a night and lucky if I can force you into a 20 minute nap a day. Can’t even lie about it, mama is exhausted.
nursing is still going great. I wouldn’t trade it for the world.
you are much more interested in nursing than food- definitely no need to place an order with Mama has your emergency preparedness covered. Mama can fix anything, in your eyes.
you still love to be worn. The ergo carrier is our best friend when we are out and about.
we went down south for Thanksgiving, to a Christmas parade, to Christmas at Noccalula Falls, to the Discovery Museum, and to Chuck E. Cheese.
you had a busy month!
you personality continues to shine and you definitely have a mischievous side.
I love you little girl. I can’t believe we’ll be celebrating your first birthday so soon!
What a sweet post. And, what a SWEET face. She is seriously adorable. I am so jealous of all that hair she has – so cute!
awww! She is so precious! What a beautiful post!