Today, I celebrate my two beautiful blessings- my heart and soul. Last year on Mother’s Day, we found out we were pregnant! This year, that little girl woke me up before 6AM because someone forgot to inform her that she was supposed to let her mama sleep in. Then, to beat it all, I put her in the swing and she conked back out on me. I was already wide awake though, so I’m taking a few minutes to myself. I also celebrate my fabulous mother today. She is a blessing in my life and someone I can always turn to. (Love you, mama!)
I’d like to ask you all to stop and say a prayer for the children who lost their moms and the moms who lost their children on April 27, 2011. I watched a dad do an interview on the news the other night- he lost his 3 year old daughter in the tornado. I cannot imagine. So please, take a moment and ask God to be with those parents and children today, to wrap His arms around them and comfort them.
Happy Mother’s Day, y’all!
>I hope everyone had a fantastic Mother's Day also. It is so sad about that man and his child. I do not understand that all. It is so horrible. I would be devestated. I said a prayer for the man and all the other familes that are hurting from this catastrophe.