Bella Family Happenings

Meet Bella Grace Leanna

You’ve probably noticed that I haven’t been around since Monday.  Well, I had a good reason.  A beautiful reason.


Meet Bella Grace Leanna.
7lb 9oz
21 in.

After a very short and intense labor (almost too short!), she made her way into the world at 5:08A.M. on Tuesday, January 18th, 2011.  I’m glad I had planned on having her naturally, because I wasn’t left with a choice when it came down to it.  Thankfully, I was as prepared as possible, because an non-medicated labor was my biggest hope.  As you can see, she came out with a head-full of gorgeous dark hair.  I still cannot believe how thick her hair is- I just love it!  She has captured our hearts and her big brother is completely head over heels for her.


She is such a quiet and easy baby so far.  She latched on immediately and has zero problems nursing.  She sleeps well too- better than her brother ever did.  I’ve joked that this all seems too easy so far.  I’m sure things will be kicked up a notch when hubby goes back to work this week!


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