Health, Bath, & Beauty Reviews

Wipe Your Feet, Hands, and Face Review

I recently got the chance to try the product line of wipes for your hands, feet, and face by Jamar Labs. I love skin care products, so I was excited to try something new and different. I had never heard of feet wipes, so I was very interested in those.
As soon as I opened the box, the packaging caught my eye. I love the orange, purple, and green. I received three sample packs and one regular size pack. The packaging opens and closes a lot like a tub of baby wipes, so the wipes stay moist. I could not believe how soft they were. Each wipe is made of 100% natural cotton and feels extremely smooth against the skin. The facial wipes are so gentle that I wasn’t worried about getting it near my eyes. There is no burn or alcohol feeling that you’ll get with other skin care products. I used these to clean my face before bed and to take my make up off. It amazed me that such a gentle product could also take my eyeliner and mascara off, no problem.
As I mentioned, I wasn’t sure what to expect when it came to the feet and hand wipes. I opened the package and was pleasantly surprised by the smell. I hate it when you open a package and you get that alcohol, chemical smell. These smell like a very light perfume and contain essential oils. Both wipes impressed me, but I especially love the feet wipes. I have had problems with my feet since my pregnancy. I guess that happens when your feet swell so much that you go from a size seven to a size nine in about two days. Anyways, these wipes made even my cracked feet feel silky. I use them before bed each night and I can definitely see a change.
I had one small problem while trying to get the wipes out. Because the packages are packed full, you have to be careful with the first few you pull out. I ended up pulling out a handful and having to stuff them back in. It isn’t a big deal, just a bit frustrating.
Here is more information from their website.
“Jamar Labs celebrates the connection between Mother Nature and Human Nature.
Our Wipe Your Feet®, Hands, and Face are manufactured from the finest 100% natural cotton and botanicals. Our mission is to produce products that are beautifully designed and safe for the entire family, products you will find indispensible because you will love using them.
Not only are our products paraben or phthalate free, they are biodegradable and include ingredients that are naturally safe and a pleasure to use.”

You can go here to learn more and order. For a limited time, you can get a sample pack that includes 3 full size packages and 3 sample packs for $25 with free shipping!


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  • >I've been waiting forever for someone to come up with a really, really gentle wipe that's safe enough for delicate skin. Yay! It looks like they're finally here!

    doarzevel09 a!t gmail . com

  • >Wow these sound great I am going to have to go and check them out! Thanks for letting us know about them

  • >These would have been great to take camping with us! It rained a little bit and we wore flip flops a lot so our feet got a little dirty and all the bug spray was making my feet so dry!

  • >These sound great! I've been looking for an eye makeup remover that wouldn't irritate my super-sensitive eyes and skin. Maybe I should give these a try!
    Thanks for the review!

  • >These sound like they'd be great to keep around. I also have cracked feet and my son plays sports, so he could use these to freshen up afterward. Thanks.


  • >I definitely haven't heard of these but they look like something I would like to try – both for myself and my daughters. Thanks!

  • >Thanks for the review. I would love to try to convince my husband to try the foot wipes on his pitiful cracked feet. Going to enter your giveaway in hopes of scoring free ones!

  • >These would be great for my daughter becuase we have wood floors and she's crawling and no matter how many times I mop, her little feet are always dirty! is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to