Brynlee's Journey what she wore

Brynlee Starts Kindergarten

How can it be that my little broken baby is in kindergarten?  She is my first to send to kindergarten.  I homeschooled Bryson and Bella until they were in 2nd and 4th grade.  Can I be honest though?  Sending Brynlee to kindergarten was easier than sending them to 2nd and 4th grades last year when they entered public school.  With Brynlee, it isn’t lost on my that I almost didn’t get to send her to school.  To be able to walk her into school on her first day of kindergarten felt like such a privilege.  I never once worried about her.  She’s such a social butterfly, the toughest kid I know, and nothing if not resilient.

She looked forward to starting kindergarten since before school let out for summer break.  The only bit of hesitancy came the night before the first day when she realized she was really leaving me.  She wasn’t going to spend her days with her mama anymore.  But it was a fleeting feeling and she was ready to go.  As we walked toward her classroom, she asked me to hold her hand and it felt like a sacred moment.

Just as I expected, she came home over the moon.  She absolutely loved kindergarten and seven weeks later, that hasn’t changed.  She wakes up every single day excited to go to school.  I can’t even explain how proud I am to be her mama.  Thank you, God for giving me my girl and allowing me to keep her.


First day of School dress  |  Lily & London’s
Gray Sneakers  | Cat & Jack
Backpack  | Whim & Wander by Sweethoney


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  • Brynlee is our Super Woman. She has a heart of Gold. She always puts a smile on everyone’s face. I am proud to be called Nana by all of these beautiful kids. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to