Family Happenings

Halloween Over the Years

With Halloween coming up, this look back is inspired by Mr. Costumes.  This year will be our fifth Halloween as parents. How did that happen!? I thought it would be fun to reflect back over the last 5 years of costumes and candy.  Our family has grown from one little chicken that first Halloween back in 2009 to Spiderman and Spidergirl this year and next year, we’ll have another little one to dress up.

Halloween 2009

I’ve also noticed that Halloween trick-or-treating has changed in our area a lot too.  The first year or two, we only visited family member’s houses.  Living in a small, rural town means that it’s almost impossible to visit door-to-door without getting in the vehicle.  That’s one of the things I do love about living in the country- the large yards and privacy that comes with it but it means that Halloween night is far from the sidewalks-lined-with-kids that you see in the movies and on TV.  It’s more like streets lined with cars!  We take advantage of Halloween night to visit grandparents, aunts, uncles, and end the night with a bowl of chili at Justin’s Mawmaw’s house.

Halloween 2010

The past few years though, I’ve noticed our local communities coming together to host trick-or-treaters and small festivals on Halloween night.  Local parks set up games, fire and police departments hand out candy and hats, businesses encourage their employees to dress up and hand out candy, churches offer trunk-or-treats, etc.  It’s been a nice little shift in our country community- seeing so many locals come together to make sure the kids have a fun, safe time and leave with lots of candy!

Halloween 2011

Over the years, Bryson has been a chicken, Mickey Mouse, Lightning McQueen, and Woody.  Bella has been a flower and an owl.  There are so many adorable kid’s costumes out there these days that I have trouble choosing so I’m glad the kids are old enough to tell me what they want to be now.

Halloween 2012

Bryson and Bella decided on the same theme this year and are going as Spiderman and Spidergirl.  I love seeing entire families dressed in Halloween family theme costumes and hope to maybe tackle that one year.  Not this year though.  This year, I’ll be dressed as a waddling, 35-week, tired, pregnant lady.  Oh wait.  I don’t need a costume for that!


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