Family night is nothing unusual around here. We spend time together as a family most nights, cooking together, eating dinner together, then watching the kids play before bath and bedtime. We are very close to my mom and dad, so we have family night with them often too. I would say we spend at least 3 nights a week with them, whether we cook dinner here and invite them over or spend the evening at their place. I think I take it for granted how close our family is and just how much time we are able to spend together. I know there are a lot of families that don’t get the chance to spend quality time together like we do.
We had a family night with my parent’s last night. Since the new Ice Age 4 was just released 12/11/2012, we planned a simple dinner with them and then came home to watch the movie. Yesterday was a beautiful day, so my dad watched the kids and they all played outside while I shopped for our dinner components. You can see my full shopping trip and photos from our night in my Family Night Google+ album. We had Stouffer’s five cheese lasagna, New York Texas Toast, and I picked up a pack of Wonka Chewy Swee Tarts as a treat for the kids. My husband definitely prefers my lasagna, but everyone agreed that Stouffer’s was very good and I loved how simple it was to get on the table! There were no complaints and I was thankful that I got to enjoy to beautiful day outside playing instead of in front of the stove.
It was an easy dinner that tasted great and there was nothing left. Not a slice of bread or lasagna- ALL GONE. We headed home to get comfy and watch Ice Age 4. We’ve watched the other Ice Age movies and always enjoyed them, so it was no surprise that everyone liked the newest Ice Age too! Bryson especially got into and Justin liked it. He commented that he’s sure we’ll see it again and again now that we own it. Bella missed her nap during the day and couldn’t make it through the entire movie. She was asleep in my arms by the end.
I’m so thankful that even in the midst of the chaos and the holidays, we find time to spend together as a family so often. I’m thankful for easy meals and a movie that I know we’ll watch again and again. I’m thankful that family night is normal for us, not something we have to plan months in advance. I’m thankful for my family- the entire reason we are able to have family night. This year hasn’t been easy- it’s been tough. Tough is an understatement. But, I am still thankful. I absolutely love my family and I feel so blessed that we are able to spend so much time together with our children and my parents.
You can find Stouffer’s on Facebook and Twitter. Ice Age 4 is available in stores. We found the DVD/ Blu-Ray combo pack with an adorable plush for under $25 at Walmart. Find Ice Age on Facebook and Twitter also.
I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias® and NESTLE #CBias #SocialFabric
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