Family Happenings Wordless Wednesday

Surgery Day is Tomorrow. Finally.

It’s been a week and half since I broke my fibula and crushed my ankle.

11 entire days.

I’ve sat around knowing I’m not recovering, not getting any better.

Waiting.  Just waiting.

Tomorrow is THE day.

I finally get to hit the road to recovery.  Finally.

Surgery day!

I’ve never had any kind of surgery or broken bones until now, so I am beyond nervous.  I’m scared of the entire process, but mostly, I’m scared of leaving my babies.  Bella has never been away from me for more than a few hours and now we are going to be forced apart for a few days.

I have faith and I trust in God that everything will go fine.  I know it’s going to be a long recovery, but I’m ready to start the process.

My husband set this up in the living room for me. He’s been so, so good to me.


Snuggling with my little boy on the couch.


Broken Fibula ankle
The swelling has gone down a lot, which was the hold-up for surgery. We should be good to go now!

I have a giveaway scheduled for tomorrow, but you probably won’t hear from me again until next week.  I hope y’all have a fabulous week and weekend!


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