menu plan

Weekly Meal Plan – May 20 – 26

Another beautiful weekend has come to an end.  It was the best one I’ve had in a while..  Things are starting to fall back into place, if only bit by little bit.  We spent the entire weekend with our family and friends at the river.  We grilled Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.  The kids played in the pool, the sun was shining, our family was together, and I could feel our hearts lighten.  Bryson spent the night with Aunt Brandi Friday night then with his Nana & Pop Saturday night.  He didn’t like it when he finally had to come back home yesterday.  The weekend ended with a few hours out on the boat, swimming, chatting, and enjoying the good company.  Both kids fell asleep on the way home and were so tuckered out that they went right to bed.  Justin and I watched a movie on Netflix before joining them.  We had to force ourselves to stay awake because we were tired enough to go to bed at 8PM.

our view from the boat Sunday

This is going to be a busy week!  We have three graduations and decoration on Sunday.  Flowers, anyone? Lots of ’em too!  Justin and I have to part ways for the first time ever (seriously!) and I’m not quite ready for that.  He’s going to take Bryson with him for the weekend (his brother is graduating) and Bella will stay with me.  Maybe he’ll pick out a nice gift for me since they say distance makes the heart grow fonder?  LOL  I won’t count on it.  I’m sure we’ll make it apart for a few days, but I’ve never been away from Bryson for more than a day either.

Anyways, on to our menu for the week!


Strawberry smoothies, waffles
Cinnamon & brown sugar oatmeal
Toast, eggs
Pancakes, strawberries


Grilled cheese sandwiches
Refried bean & cheese roll-ups
Fish sticks, mac & cheese
Leftovers (x2)


Cookout at river (x2)
Homemade Cheeseburger macaroni (didn’t get to this last week)
Grilled Chicken, & Veggies
Grilled Quesadillas
Southwest Roll-ups
Meatloaf Meatballs

Whatcha eating this week?


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