Gardening was high on our summer to-do list and the planting part can now be checked off. Both kids loved “helping” in the big garden so we thought it would be fun to let them plant their own mini-garden using the Disney Mickey Mouse Greenhouse from Miracle-Gro® Kids. There are tons of kits available geared toward kids with any kind of plant, veggie, or herb you want. The next time you are at your local home improvement store, take a peek- the selection of kid-friendly products is amazing! The Miracle-Gro name is one that I trust and believe will produce great results so we are happy to try their kids gardening sets out.
Not to mention, how cute is this Mickey Mouse Greenhouse!?
Super adorable, right?
We’ve actually had this kit for a while, but with the craziness and the unexpected loss of Kolby, it has sat collecting dust for some time. I’ve declared this our week of getting back to real life, returning to (a new) “normal” (what is that? ) if you will. Justin planted our big garden on Monday and I watched the kids eagerly help him and tromp through the dirt. This neglected kit caught my eye Tuesday evening and I decided it was time plant with the little ones!
As soon as I told Bryson that we were going to finally plant our Mickey Mouse garden, his face lit up in excitement. He’s wanted to do this since the kit first arrived weeks ago. Bella had to jump in and help too. I followed the simple directions and assembled the greenhouse. Then, Justin and Bella moistened the soil to get it ready for the seeds. Bryson took the honor of planting the cucumbers, tomatoes, and sweet peppers. He also made sure to put our markers in so we would know which was which. It was a family affair. 🙂
Bryson was bummed that there was no Pluto! (LOL)
After the planting, I quickly put together the top and we all stood back to admire our work. Mostly Bryson was admiring his work while Bella tried tearing it apart. The Mickey Mouse ears kept falling off until Justin finally took them and snapped them in correctly. Whoops! That was my only complaint, but since it was user (mama) error, I have absolutely no complaints at all. When you put the ears on, don’t be afraid to give them a good push and when you hear them click, you’ll know they’re in correctly.
The Disney Mickey Mouse Greenhouse from Miracle-Gro® Kids comes with easy to follow instructions, a guide for planting and transplanting, a cool “Gro-Chart” to track each plants growth, and other learning information. It is a great kit for teaching your children to garden and how to grow food at home. We’ll update you in a few weeks on our little garden and how it’s coming along.
The Miracle-Gro Kids gardening sets are available in a wide variety of themes and fruits, veggies, & flowers. You can find them at stores like Lowes, Kmart, Walmart, Home Depot and online at Using the location finder, I noticed that they are even available at one of my local fruit markets! A full list of kits is available at the Scotts website and the Miracle-Gro Kids site offers ton of fun things like recipes and learning activities.
We received the Disney Mickey Mouse Greenhouse from Miracle-Gro® Kids free of charge. All thoughts and opinions (and cute kids) remain my own, as always.
how cute it that! I bet my grandsons would get a kick out of planting too.
What a cute greenhouse! My kids would love that!
super cute. and as always I LOVE your photos!!!
Oh my goodness, how adorable is that greenhouse. And your pictures are absolutely amazing!
Yay another Alabama blogger! Glad we are all linking up 🙂 I look forward to following you, feel free to do the same!
Adorable greenhouse!!!
Nice to meet you – visiting from Alabama Bloggers!!
Aw this one is way cuter than the one I have, it’s pretty plain. I have boys, but I got a Tinkerbell one for my sister’s twin girls & I kind of wanted it for myself! My problem now is (I came across your blog while googling my question) that my children have lost the directions. Partly my fault for taking so long to set aside time to get it done, they had everything out of the box already for a few days. Everything’s set up but I have no idea how much water to add :/ Is there a specific amount?
Thanks for your comment- so glad you found my blog! 🙂 There wasn’t a specific amount listed, but you want the soil to be moist, but not too wet. The instructions also say to be sure not to over water the seeds. Only water when/ if the dirt begins to look light brown & dry. (I made sure to read thoroughly, because I’ve killed a plant or two. LOL) Our kit is growing well. Good luck!
Thanks for your blog post! My company created this product and I designed some of this product and created the packaging… I love your photos! So nice to see kiddos enjoying our products! 😀 Working on new products now and looking for inspirational images so your pics came up… Thanks!!!
[…] Mouse Greenhouse Giveaway August 6, 2012 By Whitney Leave a Comment Back in May, I shared our Disney Mickey Mouse Greenhouse by Miracle-Gro Kids review. We had so fun planting the kit together as a family! Our big garden took over and then I went […]