Shopping online is a must for me. It doesn’t require timing around naps, making sure faces are clean, or dressing 2 kids. It doesn’t even require me to put on “normal” clothes, I can shop in my pajamas without being judged. I don’t have to fight crowds or wait in line. Seriously, what did we do before online shopping? Living in small town Alabama means there isn’t a large selection of retailers, but thanks to the Internet, I can find great deals at Target whenever I want.
I do almost all of my shopping online. The only thing I don’t regularly purchase on the ‘net is groceries. I’ve even found decent deals on those though- just last week I purchased organic Coconut Oil using coupon codes.
Comparison Shop
Always, always, always shop around. It’s so easy to do. I regularly use the Google Shopping search to find the best prices. It shows the retailer name, store rating, item condition, base price, shipping and tax prices, and the total costs all one one page.
Use Coupon Codes
Never complete a check-out before looking for coupon codes. You can search online for “retail name” and “coupon codes” to find current codes. I’ve also found that often times, there will be a form right on the website where I can sign up to receive coupons instantly via e-mail.
Check Shipping Prices
I do the majority of my shopping using Amazon, because of their free shipping on most orders over $25. Most retailers do offer free shipping when you meet a certain price point. If you have a $45 item, but the company offers free shipping on orders over $50, you will probably save money by adding a $5 item to your cart and receiving free shipping. Sometimes, shipping prices will actually kill a deal, so pay close attention before completing your purchase.
I love shopping online for the same reasons you mentioned. I use a variety of discount sites to shop at where I get a percentage back for what I spend. Depending on how much you spend, you could easily get back a good amount.
Shipping prices make me not complete a lot of online deals! I love Amazon though since we Prime members and shipping is part of Prime.
I <3 shipping
The shipping is always the kicker for me! If it costs more with shipping than to buy in the store I won’t buy it. Price comparison is always a must when shopping online too!
I shop on line a lot. We get a ton of supplements and getting free shipping is a must for me. I have asked a particular supplier I shop with all the time and spend a lot of money with for a free shipping code, and they gave me one!
A girl after my own heart. I love shopping online.
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