Learn + Play Preschool Crafts

Popsicle Stick Christmas Trees – Preschool Craft

This is a simple little Christmas preschool craft that doesn’t take much time and only requires a few supplies.  If you like this craft, you’ll like our marshmallow snowman too.  For this, you’ll need some glue, popsicle sticks, and pompoms or something similar to use as decorations.  I found the green craft sticks at Walmart.  The bag had 150 sticks in several different colors.  If you have regular craft sticks, just throw some paint on them or leave them natural.

Cut your craft sticks into different lengths and arrange them on one stick until you have the Christmas tree you desire.  I used one stick as a base and 4 more sticks (cut to make 6 ‘branches’) to make the tree.  Glue them down and let dry for a few minutes.  Then, let your child decorate with the “ornaments” as he/ she wishes.  Bryson isn’t ready to use glue alone yet, so I put several glue dots on our tree, then let him add the decorations as he wanted.   Give it time to dry and your cute Christmas preschool craft is complete!

You can attach ribbon and have a one of a kind ornament for your tree.  These would also make great gifts for grandparents!  🙂

I told you it was easy!  Have you made any Christmas crafts with your kiddos?

We received some of the crafting supplies used in this post from the folks at CraftProjectIdeas.com


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