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I remember when I was in the hospital after having Bryson, the nurse handed me a chart and told me to write down every time he had a pooped, peed, or nursed. As a new and first time mom, I was thankful for the visual. After we were released from the hospital, I felt lost without that chart. I tried to keep up with it in a notebook- that didn’t work. I searched for online printables like the chart the hospital used, but didn’t find what I wanted.
I could have really used the Newborn Necessitieslog book! This book has everything I wanted as a first time mom. It’s overwhelming to try to remember which side you last nursed on, when the last poop diaper happened, how many wet diapers in a day, etc. It’s a lot to keep up with, especially when you add being sleep deprived to the list.
The Newborn Necessitiesbook is an easy to use log to keep up with baby’s intake and output. It includes instructions, although it is a very self explainable book. It also has guidelines for what you can expect as far as diapers and eating. This book is very simple and uncomplicated. You can use it whether you are breast or bottle feeding. There is a comment section so you can write down any thoughts, concerns, or anything else you’d like. Seriously, this is a lot like the chart that my hospital uses and it is a sanity saver until you can learn your babies routine!
You can buy the Newborn Necessities log bookfor $8.99 at
We received the mentioned products to assist with a review, but no other compensation was provided. All opinions remain my own.
>My advice would be to let others help you. Sometimes, it is best to accept help from others so you can catch up on sleep or let them pick up a little around the house. If you have other children, they can keep them occupied for a little while too. Remember you are not supermom who can do everything …but that does not mean you are not a SUPER mom!
primabee at hotmail dot com
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primabee at hotmail dot com
>I commented o simple pleasures.
primabee at hotmail dot com
>I am just pregnant but some of the best advice I got from friends is to trust in God.
junerlisle at gmail dot com