Family Happenings From House to Home

The return of…

my ENERGY.   It has been fantastic!  The past few months have been VERY difficult for me.  It felt so completely lazy, even though I knew it was just being pregnant.  I had energy throughout my entire pregnancy with Bryson, so it took me by surprise when this pregnancy turned out so differently.

One night I took it upon myself to clean out Bryson’s closet.  It was a mess and had bags of things to donate, things that shouldn’t have been there at all, and other miscellaneous stuff.  I was able to take nine bags and one box to Goodwill after all was said and done.


It may still look messy to some of you, but I can now find every single thing in it with not problems.  Our diaper stockpile is finally being built back up too!  We should have enough diapers for about six months.  I went through his toy chest and took out his “baby” toys.  I packed them up, so I can wash and clean them all before Baby #2 arrives.  I added a few new toys that I picked up with Bryson was staying with his Gangan.  He will be excited when he gets home & sees them.


This chest was actually my Pawpaw’s.  I had intended on painting it, but it fits in with the rustic theme of Bryson’s room and works so well as a toy box.  As you can tell, he LOVES trucks.  I bought a few new (to us) trucks this week.  I bought the Tonka Chuck Talking Truck for $8 and it is in like new condition.  I have wanted one of those for Bryson for months, but I couldn’t justify $30 on a talking truck.

I still have one closet to clean out, but I need to do it when Bryson isn’t around.  We will be going out of town this weekend for a family reunion, so it will have to wait another week.  I hope everyone has a great weekend!  We are going to visit family that we haven’t saw in years, some that I haven’t met in the six years hubs & I have been together.


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  • >That's awesome Whitney..good for you! I clean when my kids are NOT around too…my oldest goes crazy when I try and get rid of anything 😉

  • […] with DYMO! September 12, 2010 By Whitney 83 Comments A few weeks ago, I posted about how I had taken bags & boxes FULL of stuff to Goodwill.  Since we have moved in our home, it seems I am constantly try to get organized.  Organization […] is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to