Health, Bath, & Beauty Reviews

TILT: MAC Cosmetics

There is nothing I hate worse that runny eyeliner. You can be completely put together, head to toe, and feeling confident, but runny eyeliner can instantly make you look like a mess. Don’t ask me how I know. I can proudly say I haven’t had this problem in over four years. The reason? On my sixteenth birthday, I decided to treat myself to some MAC.
I went with something completely different than your every day eyeliner and chose to buy a Fluidline in Dipdown. One jar will run you about $14 and will last you a long time. Honestly, I still haven’t finished that jar I bought four years ago. Of course, it isn’t sanitary to use old eyeliner, so be on the safe side and treat yourself more than every four years. You will also need a brush to apply the Fluidline with, so I recommend you also get a 210 Precise Eye Liner Brush for $17.50. This will take a few tries to get use to, but once you have it down, it takes about the same amount of time as a normal eyeliner pencil.
The best thing about Fluidline? It doesn’t smudge or run. I wore Fluidline to my prom and my (summer, outdoors) wedding, so I speak from experience. MAC also offers different colors and sometimes have Limited Edition colors which are always gorgeous!
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  • >Thank you for info about the url thing!! I am gonna try and update that post right now! your blog is cute! I am sorry to hear that your hubby lost his job best of luck!

  • >Oh, my sister is a huge MAC fan. I think she owns all of their eyeshadows!! I might have to look into this eyeliner. I love eyeliner!

  • >I have heard this stuff is great. When it comes to make-up, you usually get what you paid for. I think it is worth the extra expense!

  • >I fear what I would look like if I tried to use something other then a pencil, but I must admit I am curious. I might have to go check it out. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to