Bryson Family Happenings

Summer- Bryson’s First Boat Ride!

Summer is officially here for us. This weekend started off what I’m sure is to be an amazing summer jam packed with a ton of baby firsts. So far we have Bryson’s first trip to the river and Bryson’s first boat ride. I was very hesitant about taking Bryson out on the boat. I knew the trip would take around two hours and I was afraid he’d hate it and/or get burnt. I’m happy to report that neither of those things happened. He absolutely loved it and his sunscreen along with the shade of the boat top protected his fair skin.

We took the boat over to South Sauty and the tornado damage looks even worse from the water than it does on TV or from land. It is devastating that such a beautiful place is all but destroyed. My heart goes out to those that lost homes and RVs, but those folks have so much to be thankful for and I hope they realize that. Not one person died in a tornado that sat on the ground for 27 miles, not one. There were no serious injuries either.
It was a very family oriented day and it was wonderful. Most of the time, one (or many) end up drinking too much and in turn, I end up pissed off and in a bad mood. Yesterday was a breeze. Drinking went on, but it was moderate and under control. I have absolutely nothing against drinking, but I hate to be around loud, obnoxious drunks. Especially now that Bryson is here, I will not tolerate it, period. I could not have asked for a better day yesterday and I only hope that the rest of the summer can hold up to it.
For the record, Bryson’s life jacket is in the seat beside him. I wanted to go ahead and get that out there, just in case!

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